The Story Behind The Mirror

This piece is Gripping! an absolute Master Piece that I wrote lyrically and did the music for. Remember How Thrilled you were when you heard this, “it’s More than perfect, you brought tesrd to my eyes) and I covered your original A.D.piece, I still have the “THE” screenshots from when I first played it forContinue reading “The Story Behind The Mirror”

The Truth Begins

LLπŸ–€πŸ₯€ The Lying Bane of my existance, You Do NOT lead someone on and then Ghost them and blame it on “Bi-Polar”… Not too effective when you have the same condition, yet I don’t treat people like Assholes, especially people i process to love then unfriend them, block them from other social platforms, and afterContinue reading “The Truth Begins”

Nuthin’ Sacred

Released as Terence Trent D’Arby in ’87, he was on a trajection course to be among the Next Michael Jackson’s And Prince PoP nobility. After the release of his first major album however, it seem that he had indeed mysteriously dropped off the face of the earth in to pure obscurity….. Motions of time dissipate,Continue reading “Nuthin’ Sacred”

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