Kris’s Miss

I seen you reflecting neon

Kris Miss

Something about junkies
New York city sleaze
the hands of clap, murder wrap, electric razor bleeds

I seen you reflecting neon
cigarette burns on your wrists
city grime in your auburn wig, bruises on your knees

Let’s celebrate
the city that never sleeps
24 hour opportunity
cocaine flowing freely

Take a BIG Bite from the Big Apple, yellow trails of cabbies horns blow like the backseat passengers all their fares getting their groove on

The train tracks ‘long the length of your arms and legs, veins like life die, so you feed your fix in between your toes it’s a given for the pros

Merry Kris Miss, everyday all year
A Childhood built upon pain and fear, lessons learned with the back of a hand and liquor store dreams the gateway for escape at an early age……

Raven BLACK πŸ–€πŸ₯€πŸ¦β€β¬›

Published by πŸŒ™ Crescent Moons πŸŒ™

Poet, Author, Musician, Spiritual Alchemist, Magick

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