The Glow of the Moon

The empty mirror stares back at me for I am the man with no face.

The Glow of the Moon

Midnight chill runs down the length of my scarred and exposed arm.
It tingles as much as it hurts as I wear this forsaken heart upon my sleeve.
Ants, cockroaches, spiders, nothing like butterflies that lick my wounds….

Insects delight in devouring me slowly… my arms and legs just feel like they are asleep.

I look to the moon in the sky

I make a childish wish
It’s much too late to bury my head in the sand
Much too late to undo what I’ve done.

Senseless moments pass by
A wave in the middle of the sea
A wind swept facelift upon Gaia’s spotless face as sand dunes ride the western drift.

Are or rather were…
You, ever real?

I fall to my knees and pray to the gods, knowing damn well that they reside in myself.

The empty mirror stares back at me for I am the man with no face.

Call me
Call Me
Call ME
I echoes through these dirty alleys
Who were you to lace my thoughts
Turn my mind poison and addicted
I burrow a hole into my upper shin and SUCK the venom of the fentanyl from my drying blood.

You wanted me dead
The corpse lost in the darkest ocean
You wanted me dead
The corpse lost in the heat of a high noon sun.

Bury me
Bury me Bury me

I Am a Raven
I Am Darkness and MAGICK
I Am the spirit of the phoenix
That you can not deny
or take my life

My body
My soul
My heart
My essence GROW

I am New
Stronger than before
My lips have tasted
the arsenic bitterness
Upon my lips
Theses lips
That have French kissed death
and live to send out warning flares
Cast from the depths of my eyes
and live to howl
and expose the Whore
With blacken eyes and wild hair
I am reborn

In my name
You will be free from the Harlots game

How many more
Have been unlived
Cast aside
Thrown to the road as an afterthought?

I am weak in my Primal resolve
Weak resisting Vengeance
Weak remembering who
I once was.

The Fool
The Seven of Swords
The Three of Cups

I am, who was formally he

And that Kills me
(Though I kept all promises and was more than loyal til’ your end)


Fuck you
And the horse you rode in on

Lady Godiva you my never were

I lay me down
Upon the ground
To finally Rest
And read the Stars

The silent breeze flows over me
Bringing a sense of peace…

I resight ancient affirmations
Count blessings of New beginnings
I revel in my humility
While I retain the beating of my heart upon my sleeves

Underneath the glow
Of the Moon


Published by πŸŒ™ Crescent Moons πŸŒ™

Poet, Author, Musician, Spiritual Alchemist, Magick

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