Old Man and the Sea

I certainly don’t write to impress

Old Man and the Sea

The wafting essence of salt flooded the senses of the Old Man by the sea.

He felt comfort, superiority, wise as the methadone dripped through his veins.

He laughed at the children and the hardships that they would face in life, not quite understanding if he was glad it was over, or wanted a second chance to relive them.

A tired, angry, dissolutioned butterfly landed on the tip of his nose screaming obsenitites at thev lies making the old bat paranoid and completely out of touch.

Monarch screaming ,”Did they give Two shits about you before, before the war, now you go and show some ego, you trollop, vanity whore”

Maybe if we dress you up as an old man, take away your teeth, put you on your deathbed, people will take your writing seriously!

The monarch looked back one last time as whispered……

“You see? I never gave a Fuck”
“My words are archetype, whispered from muse”

“I Am who I am, #teenageclothes and all. Why I am gen “Y”!
I certainly don’t write to impress, and almost find regret finding a soft spot within this poisonous heart of mine for you”

“You were at least happy, if not for a moment, The Lord knows why you kissed that all away.”

Then the breeze filled the air, and the world was again like the old man, the Boomer, salty again.

“The air was invigorating, beautiful, ships, children, windows, San Diego, beautiful Beautiful women that believe in family and friends….. this is what like is about, I adore … THIS “

The Monarch butterfly smiled and flew back……. To HOLLYWOOD.

Raven BLACK πŸ–€πŸ₯€πŸ¦β€β¬›

Published by πŸŒ™ Crescent Moons πŸŒ™

Poet, Author, Musician, Spiritual Alchemist, Magick

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